A lot of people are there into blogging that may be full time or part time & everybody is excited to know the most searched keywords on Internet across the globe. Or how can I find good topics to write on my blog & make people re visit my blog every now & then.
The most important thing to be taken into consideration for any blogger or getting into a niche is to find out the top searches on google search engine for that particular niche. There are various tools & practises available on the Internet that may help you in analyzing the most searched out keywords in that particular niche.
1. Word Tracker
2. Google Insights for search
3. Google Keyword Tool
Word Tracker
The Word Tracker is the best way one can track the most common words seached out on search engines.It is updated on a daily basis & it lists down the 500 most searched keywords on the seach engine. It is mainly useful for US traffic calculations but is used round the Globe.
With the help of Google word tracker, by providing a generic term to the tracker like "Mutual funds", you will get a lot of ideas by word tracker like Equity Mutual Funds, Debt Mutual Funds, Diversified Mutual funds which helps a person or a blogger to select his niche according to his requirement.

Google Insights for Search
There are various services by google. But this is something different. By this service, you can track as well compare search volume patterns across specific regions, categories, regions, time frames, geographics
For Example, if one want to compare the number of people watching IPL in 2010 vis-a-vis 2011, this part of information & comparison is possible through Google Insights for search.
Example- Like, I have searched for the keyword "Finance & Insurance" , web search (no image search), location- worldwide, timeframe- 2004 to present

Mayank Gupta
Good content Mayank. Strange to see facebook better ranked than google!!!!
ReplyDeleteKeep on Mayank